Changed point of view, position of view changed.
All the things I learn, the processes of my development, are hardly static. They come from the environment which is also a development and I am of course individually a speck in the whole. The river or stream may fill, empty or even have its’ course changed. The nature of my journey seems to contain what is me but likely is dependent on the environment and If travelling which, as I feel I am which route?
Some think different challenge, different day, same person but really it is more than moods that change. The mind which is capable of remorse or pride is obviously vastly different in both those places. Yet a seemingly static concept of self prevails. When you see another person it is forgotten that they might be different to before.
When we see animals on a hill, if we take one away the herd remains, that is the evolution of shepherd and flock. One looks after the group, master also of the territory and the other is part of the flock. When we see animals as food should we merit them the concern that vegetarians give them. Perhaps they are nature completely but are we not too. We are not really separate though our minds and manners seem to accept a socialised view.
Small details are of interest but big changes can occur too and biology does remain ever the most important human detail that we can ignore. Socially a person is not really meant to change. We have divorced ourselves from what could be to be part of what needs to be which is a social whole. We need family continuity, friends will meet again and recognise each other. As individuals we are in fact not surveyors and masters who control, rather who utilise what is available. If we make it then it is from something else. Does our environment live like the crystal healer would say. Chemical recomposing occurs though largely it is very stable in our eyes as we note with the table of elements.