
including Brightcalm Illustrations

Jay, story heroine in complicated Korean world saving love story anime Sky Blue
Story plate for the town of Kinnanamor
En Vau representation, Calnanques Marseille, famous climbing destination

I want to be part of art projects. I am a good distance behind the competition when I have an anime inspired piece but I am a busy person who is spread thin. Still I have a lot of emotional discipline to why I take part regardless of this aloneness and would by experience feel a contributor. Knowing I can draw in any situation with distraction too I think it is because of the interest being practiced.

Art for the talented and successful is a necessary tool not to waste but I believe that it is passion that rules. There is an artist in us all really. Society has an artisan background. An audience participation with art starts before the technical process begins. A good day is straight from inspiration with less planning being the only way to move fast enough. It is best in a group environment however where there is always some reservation in order to please others. I would like to be in a team sharing time together. For the need to shares tips and leads and work together especially to make a project a success, to participate in a project. Art can go a long way on it’s own, but to be commercially viable you need at least if not rewarded to still having human company. The internet is an illusion and this site done I will have thrown off some of the barriers I felt from the strong but often lonely and hope to join in again whether I have no progress in anything done here. It seems obvious to me that many artists are tortured souls who were punished by their communities for being resilient. Myself I have been punished by my closest partners in life from school days. That this stopped was a joy like pride itself, unconscious, but it has started to become obvious again. A philosopher of sorts I see this not as a rite of spring or trial of autumn but sign of how society itself is. That if people do not care there is a shallowness, a sense that much common ground is not trodden. Division. So, fortunate enough to have not a lot to be thanked for it seems , I am rather adrift and hope to touch some with a style and possible storytelling narrative from some of my pictures that gets in with your way of thinking. Then a chance to discuss prospects of travel, projects, work I would put high up after some exchanges of current interests in artistic form. Really it is about making a living and not spending your earnings nor ending up in a coffee house but animated.

Chipping and Cracking. The sounds you make walking over frosted scree in the morning or evening

chipping and cracking

The background to a large crag. It is something artistic to me to see as well as to imagine who I might meet, what values I place on a landscape like it and the culture that would respect climbing. I favor character and action, I was not so busy reading cartoons after the hiatus at the mid-teens when I started exams and competitive training and generally making new friends in new places but have always paid attention to style in art. When I realised a whole movement had arrived now that made cartoons adult it was with over-enthusiasm I greeted it thinking there might be more than I have found. Mostly it has generated a plethora of fanatasy themed internet spaces but a whole universe of them it should be acknowledged. Otherwise I think the genre of manga and anime has gone in on itself again, rather self absorbed and shocked by the cultural interest trying in turn to shape what is a way of life. Still to not feel part of children's cartoons and thus only really a professional to draw them I have a lot of interest again in the plots and stories, to some degree the superhero world again too, but for the stories. It the story is right the art becomes interesting.

Peak District Card Greeting Card Set

Available as a set of greeting cards. These are all watercolours with an interest in the climbing crags in the Peak during all the seasons. Some have bracken, ubiquitous to so much of the area below the heather line after perhaps overgrazing? Of course the weather is a likely historical reason the bracken preferring slighly milder conditions, after all it is herbaceous (dies back in winter) Also trees. These I chose as cards. Gritstone is a hard stone to paint as the rock itself is often regular repeating patterns which break into different angles with only small changes appearance. It is a hard geometry, big gullies and protuding buttresses, so very visual even if hard to discern the features until close up.

Enchanted exitrance
Curbar Peapod End
Gritstone woodland
Froggatt Edge
Froggatt dreaming

My local walks

Drawing snow, it is fun, what seems hard is like most art about liking it. A straight line might need several attempts but who needs to think it is straight? The critic, no it is the artist or the picture would not get finished. It was cold remember so the pictures needed to be a bit hurried and I just went for the lightest style I could conjure up. There is a gap, is it sand or snow or grass or contrast. Then also a nice leafy local reservoir but can I find the same place to sit down again, no. It is a much more thin and rarely sparkling place I find so I don't know what happened there that first time.

Moor Hall Reservoir
Battle hill
Larch wood
Bents Green farmland

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