
including Brightcalm Illustrations

  • Where was I. An illustrated map of the 6 places I visted in Japan.

    The compass remains pointing north as the map, say too the land. This suggests it is in the right direction for you next location. Each town you click from to the next will set the compass. When you walk on the bearing you need the red arrow in the white hatching, a common feature on compasses. Then you will also notice the dial which you swivel to do this has a degree at the new (usually) longer centre of the the compass. That is indicated. Additionally there is an adjustment setting to use to be able to walk on true north, that is magnetic north as the map sees it. This changes because that is how it is, plus (see below the map)

    Click the dots (towns) to activate the compass and find out the location name. One click for the start point, one for the finish.

    East Japan Tokyo/Chiba Saitama Area
    Minami Urawa

    Tokyo Bay and the Pacific Ocean

    Magnetic North seems to be forecast closely so can be looked up for the country you are in and the year. In the UK it has gone from degrees out to parity recently. Watch out for local deviations too, plus certain areas are known to have poor compass suitability like the Red Cullin on Skye, near certain urban stations in Japan too I noticed. I carry and use a compass as assistant to help with often vague maps or junctions both walking and biking where it is important to note the bike itself can cause magnetic interference.